Saturday, January 12, 2008

Using Hitler to support creationism

A former member of the St. Petersburg, Fla city council believes that the theory of evolution played a role in the largest mass murder in human history. It is yet another example of using the name "Hitler" to push a contemporary view and, as always, the reference is not grounded in historical fact and is actually quite comical.

From the St. Petersburg Times:

    Darwin's theory of evolution helped fuel the rise of Hitler and contributed to the school-shooting massacre at Columbine, a former St. Petersburg City Council member wrote in a letter urging the Pinellas County School Board to expose students to alternative theories.

    "Evolution gives our kids an excuse to believe in natural selection and survival of the fittest, which leads to a belief that they are superior over the weak," Bill Foster wrote board members in a letter received this week. "This is a slippery slope."


    "To put it simply, no Darwin, no Hitler," said the group's late founder, D. James Kennedy.

    Foster echoed those words in his letter: "Adolf Hitler duped an entire generation using Darwin's evolution," he wrote. "He sought to preserve the 'favored' race in the struggle for survival."

    That notion is a selective reading of science and history, said Florida State University professor Michael Ruse, an authority on the history and philosophy of science.

    Ruse said Nazi ideologues were motivated by many factors, including "social Darwinism," a movement that tried to apply natural concepts like "survival of the fittest" to human society. But the Nazis later distanced themselves from Darwin because rather than promoting racial superiority, evolution showed "Aryans and Jews and Gypsies and Slavs were all one stem," he said.

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